A couple of months ago I had the fortune to work with probably one of the most talented people I´ve ever worked so far for an emotional and quite personal song by Mike Edel; The Closer.
I was comisioned to work on the Art direction, storyboard and layout as well. These are some early stages of each background, and some animations Henrique Barone craflty made for this project, compositing shots provided by Arm Sattavorn under Jorge Canedo´s production, beautiful secondary animations by Breno Licursi
Time was an important factor here, we made this project in less than a month so simplicity and accuracy storywise where things we aimed before started to develop assets.

Initial concept

Color options

Reduced amount of elements after scope evaluation

Amazing character design by Henrique Barone

Animation by Henrique Barone and Breno Licursi

Compositing under amazing Arm Sattavorn´s eye

Jorge Canedo: Production / Art Direction
El Diablo: Art Direction / Layout / Storyboard
Arm Sattavorn: Storyoard / Compositing
Henrique Barone: Character Design / 2D Animation
Breno Licursi: 2D Animation
Mike Edel: Music
Check out Mike´s Videography and cool context about this video here